This directory contains files that can be printed on a PostScript printer for the articles that appear in the June 1994 issue of AIXpert Magazine. The files are compressed in two different formats: a self-extracting EXE file for DOS environments and a compressed ".Z" file for UNIX environments. For OS/2 or DOS/Windows environments, download the .EXE version of the file that you want. Be sure to download the file in BINARY mode. Once you have downloaded the file, execute that file to uncompress it. For example, to uncompress AWARD.EXE after downloading, run the following command on your local system: .\AWARD.EXE For AIX/UNIX environments, download the .Z version of the file that you want. Be sure to download the file in BINARY mode. Onve you have downloaded the file, uncompress that file using the "uncompress" command. For example, to uncompress AWARD.PS.Z after downloading, run the following command on your local system: uncompress AWARD.PS.Z This will produce a file called AWARD.PS on your local system. ***** ARTICLES ********** Files Article Ref Page No. ----- ------- ------------ Creating Object-Oriented Solutions 25 COOS.EXE Interview with Cliff Reeves 11 CR.EXE Editorial 3 ED.EXE IBM Object Technology 4 IOT.EXE Object-Oriented Programming with SOM/6000 25 OOPSOM.EXE Object-Oriented Terms IFC* OOT.EXE A Close-Up of OpenDoc 16 OPENDOC.EXE Taligent Update 22 TALIGENT.EXE ***** ANNOUNCEMENTS and MISCELLANEOUS ******* Files Article Ref Page No. ----- ------- ------------ Copyrights/Disclaimer Page 2 DISCLAIM.EXE Table of Contents for this Issue 1 TOC.EXE * IFC = Inside Front Cover